Mission, Values, Vision

Legal Services for Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Strengthening the Heart of our Economy

Incorporating and Operating a Business

Good Legal Entities
C Corporations
S Corporations
LLC's (Limited Liability Companies)
Limited Partnerships
Bad Legal Entities
Sole Proprietorships
General Partnerships
If you are doing business as a bad entity, you have unlimited liability and all your personal assets are at risk to a lawsuit.

Business Contracts and Agreements

Contract Services
Contract Review
Contract Drafting
Contract Negotiation
Enforcing a Contract
"Breach of Contract"
Types of Agreements
LLC Operating Agreement
Partnerships Agreement
Shareholders Agreement

Planning & Succession

Mergers & Aquisitions
Succession Planning
Assets & Business Sales

Laws & Regulations

Licenses & Permits
Commerical Leases & Zoning
Violations & Infractions
Foreign Worker Certification

Taxes & Debts

We Represent You Against:

IRS - Internal Revenue Service
DOR - Department of Revenue
ESD - Employment Services Deparment
LNI - Deparment of Labor & Industries

We help you build a better business!

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"The legal system is the framework in which our civilized society stands. It gives us the power to pursue justice and defend our inalienable rights.

Unfortunately, the law has become complex and hard to comprehend, making it difficult to understand and navigate. Without a firm grasp on the legal process and the passion to right the injustice, you may be misrepresented.

It is my responsibility to represent you to the fullest extent of the law. It is an honor to be your attorney."

Theresa NguyenManaging Member & Founder of
Law Office of Theresa Nguyen, PLLC